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We need your investment to scale our work.

Teny Gross, Founder & Executive Director

Learn more about our impact.

The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago has accomplished a lot this past year.


In 2022, we saw a decrease in all shootings in all four of our community focus areas. We couldn’t have done this without the courageous work of our outreach and victim support teams—our peacemakers.

To keep them most effective at brokering peace, we need to address their past trauma and care for their wellbeing. One of the more innovative programs we started in 2022 is our Behavioral Health and Wellness initiative. Taking care of our staff creates a ripple of peace in the city. One outreach worker can directly affect multiple participants—healing trauma and getting to the root cause of violence.

We need your investment to scale this effort. Taking care of each other is a bold step and the right thing to do. Support our peacemakers—Donate today.  

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